Lake Wateree is a 13,700 acre reservoir located in the eastern part of South Carolina. It is a very old lake built in 1920 on the Wateree River. Wateree is owned and managed by Duke Energy Corporation that owns several other lakes in South Carolina including Lake Keowee, Lake Greenwood, Lake Wylie, and Lake Jocassee.
About the Lake Wateree
Lake Wateree’s 242 miles of shoreline is mostly covered in wooded land that lies within three different counties: Fairfield, Kershaw, and Lancaster. Compared to other lakes in South Carolina, Lake Wateree is one of the shallowest in the state with a maximum depth of 64 feet. On trips to this lake, I personally have seen average water depths of 20 feet in the center of the lake. With mostly open water, Wateree does not have the standing timber that other lakes in the state have. However, the shoreline does have it share of fallen trees which make for some great fishing opportunities.
- Project Management Duke Power Company
- Full Pool Elevation 225.5 Feet Above MSL
- Size 13,700 Acres
- Shoreline 242 Miles
- Length 16 Miles
- Maximum Depth 64 Feet (SCDHEC)
- Mean Depth 6.9 Feet (SCDHEC)
Fish Species
- Bass
- Crappie
- Catfish
- Striped Bass
- Largemouth Bass
Lake House Rentals Available on Lake Wateree
Lake Wateree on google maps
- The Waterfalls of South Carolina
- Paddling South Carolina: A Guide to Palmetto State River Trails
- South Carolina Atlas & Gazetteer